Tag: Mom
Lucille Louise Isensee Yager 1924-2020
Lucille Louise Isensee Yager 1924 – 2020 I am honored to be a member of the Yager family. While each of them is entirely too modest to say, the entire
Chanel No. 5
Mama was born to be a fifties housewife. Dyed blond beehive, red claws, silk heels. Her Cadillac convertible was white with blue interior. Her diamond large. Her watch square. Classic.
Hair Mishaps
It happened just before my big holiday party, you know, the one where I invite just everyone, even my work friends from Philadelphia come to see my 1855 restored farmhouse
The morning sun rises in the gap between the bedroom curtains,
sunlight slices across my face.
My mind stirs slowly through the fog of sleep
Flesh and Blood
When you see your son, hold him up high, praise the Lord for the miracle of your flesh in another. Let him see the world as fresh and new. Life